When it comes to the variety of treatment options within the skincare and beauty industry, new and innovative services are continually emerging, promising to rejuvenate and restore our skin’s youthful glow. Among these aesthetic advancements, one particular option stands out – mesotherapy, a technique that has gained significant popularity for its remarkable ability to target skin concerns with precision and efficiency. More than just a passing trend, this scientifically backed restorative option offers real, tangible results. Join us as we delve deeper into this transformative treatment, uncovering its mechanisms and its numerous benefits for skin rejuvenation!


Understanding Mesotherapy


Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves injecting a customized cocktail of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other active ingredients directly into the mesoderm, the middle layer of the skin. This targeted approach delivers potent nutrients and compounds to the areas where they are needed most, bypassing the digestive system to achieve optimal absorption.


How Mesotherapy Works


The success of mesotherapy in Calgary lies in the treatment’s multifaceted approach to achieving rejuvenated benefits. By delivering a potent blend of ingredients directly into the skin, mesotherapy addresses a wide range of concerns, including:


  1. Hydration: Mesotherapy infuses the skin with moisture-binding hyaluronic acid, replenishing any lost hydration and restoring overall suppleness.
  2. Collagen Production: The combination of vitamins and amino acids stimulates collagen and elastin production, promoting firmer, younger-looking skin.
  3. Brightening: Ingredients utilized in mesotherapy, such as vitamin C and kojic acid, help fade dark spots, even out overall skin tone, and impart a radiant glow across your skin texture.
  4. Firming and Tightening: Mesotherapy can target areas of laxity, such as the jawline and neck, by promoting tissue regeneration and tightening the skin.
  5. Cellulite Reduction: By breaking down fat cells and improving circulation, mesotherapy can help reduce the appearance of cellulite, leading to smoother skin texture.


The Benefits of Mesotherapy for Skin Rejuvenation


Mesotherapy offers a myriad of benefits that make it a popular choice for individuals seeking non-surgical skin rejuvenation:

  1. Customized Treatment: Each mesotherapy session is tailored to individual needs and skincare concerns, ensuring personalized results that yield successful, tangible outcomes.
  2. Minimal Downtime: Unlike more invasive procedures, mesotherapy requires little to no downtime, allowing patients to resume their daily activities immediately.
  3. Versatility: Mesotherapy can be used to treat a wide range of skin concerns, from fine lines and wrinkles to acne scars and uneven texture.
  4. Natural-Looking Results: Mesotherapy enhances the skin’s natural processes, resulting in subtle but noticeable improvements in skin texture and appearance.
  5. Long-Lasting Effects: With regularly scheduled sessions, mesotherapy treatments can produce long-lasting results, helping to maintain healthy, youthful-looking skin over time.




Mesotherapy is more than just a skincare trend; it’s a scientifically proven treatment that offers tangible benefits for skin rejuvenation. By harnessing the power of targeted nutrient delivery, this treatment option can address a wide range of aesthetic concerns, from hydration and collagen production to brightening and firming of the skin. As the popularity of this treatment option continues to grow, clients can look forward to enjoying the transformative effects of this innovative skincare solution! If you’re ready to experience the science behind mesotherapy firsthand, consider scheduling a consultation with a trusted provider to discover how this revolutionary treatment can help you achieve your skincare goals today!



At Juvea Aesthetics, we are redefining your natural beauty. At our medispa in Calgary, we are focused and committed to highlighting your best features without compromising the integrity of your unique beauty. We believe in enhancing your natural look with premium medical aesthetics in Calgary, including Botox, dermal fillers, lip injections and belkyra. We also offer vitamin drips and therapy, mesotherapy and skincare consultations.

In the realm of modern aesthetics, lip injections have emerged as a sought-after procedure for individuals looking to enhance the fullness, shape, and symmetry of their lips. However, with this surge in popularity comes a myriad of questions and inquiries surrounding the process. To provide you with a comprehensive understanding, let’s delve deeper into the top 10 frequently asked questions about lip injections, unravelling the mysteries and misconceptions surrounding this transformative procedure.


1. What Exactly Are Lip Injections, and How Do They Work?


Lip injections also referred to as lip augmentation or lip fillers, involve the precise injection of dermal fillers into the lips to augment their volume and shape. These fillers typically consist of hyaluronic acid with cross linkage technology, a naturally occurring substance in the body that attracts and retains moisture, thereby plumping and hydrating the lips.


Through a meticulous process, the injector strategically injects the filler to achieve the desired fullness and contour, resulting in a natural yet enhanced appearance.


2. Are Lip Injections Safe, and What Precautions Should I Take?


Safety is paramount in any cosmetic procedure, and lip injections are no exception. When performed by a skilled and experienced injector in a reputable facility, lip injections are considered safe and minimally invasive. However, it’s essential to conduct thorough research, choose a qualified provider, and disclose any medical conditions or allergies beforehand.


Before the procedure, your injector will conduct a comprehensive consultation to assess your candidacy, discuss your aesthetic goals, and address any concerns or questions you may have.


3. What Is the Duration of Lip Injections, and How Long Do Results Last?


The longevity of lip injections varies from person to person and depends on several factors, including the type of filler used, metabolism, and lifestyle factors. Generally, lip filler results can last anywhere from six months to a year before gradually dissipating.


Your injector may recommend follow-up appointments for touch-ups or additional injections to maintain optimal results. Consistent maintenance can help preserve the volume and definition of your lips over time.


4. What Can I Expect During the Recovery Process?


One of the advantages of lip injections is the minimal downtime associated with the procedure. While some swelling, bruising, and tenderness at the injection sites are common in the days following treatment, these side effects typically subside quickly.


To expedite the healing process and minimize discomfort, your service provider may recommend applying ice packs, avoiding strenuous activities, and refraining from smoking or consuming alcohol.


5. Will Lip Injections Result in a Natural-Looking Outcome?


The primary objective of lip injections is to enhance your natural beauty and achieve harmonious facial proportions rather than a drastic or artificial appearance. A skilled injector will consider your facial anatomy, lip structure, and personal preferences to create results that seamlessly integrate with your features.

By customizing the treatment to your unique needs and desires, you can expect natural-looking and balanced outcomes that enhance your overall facial aesthetics.

6. Can Lip Injections Be Customized to Suit My Preferences?


Absolutely! Lip injections offer a versatile solution that can be tailored to accommodate a wide range of aesthetic goals and preferences. Whether you desire subtle enhancement, increased volume, or more defined contours, your injector will work closely with you to design a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your vision.


During your consultation, be sure to communicate openly with your injector about your desired lip shape, size, and overall aesthetic goals to ensure the best possible outcome.


7. What Is the Level of Discomfort Associated with Lip Injections?


While pain tolerance varies among individuals, many patients report only minimal discomfort or a brief stinging sensation during the injection process. Most modern fillers contain a local anesthetic, such as lidocaine, which helps to numb the treatment area and minimize discomfort. Additionally, topical numbing creams or ice packs may be applied before the procedure to alleviate discomfort further.


8. What Are the Potential Side Effects and Risks of Lip Injections?


Like any cosmetic procedure, lip injections carry a risk of potential side effects, although they are generally mild and temporary. Common side effects may include swelling, bruising, redness, and tenderness at the injection sites, which typically resolve within a few days.


More serious complications, such as infection, allergic reactions, or vascular occlusion, are rare but possible and should be promptly addressed by your injector.


9. Can Lip Injections Be Combined with Other Cosmetic Treatments?


Yes, lip injections in Calgary can be seamlessly integrated with various other cosmetic procedures to enhance overall facial harmony and aesthetic balance. Popular combination treatments may include:


  • Botox for wrinkle reduction.
  • Dermal fillers for cheek augmentation.
  • Skin resurfacing treatments for comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

Your injector will work collaboratively with you to develop a customized treatment plan that addresses your unique concerns and goals, ensuring harmonious and natural-looking results.


10. Am I an Ideal Candidate for Lip Injections, and How Can I Get Started?


Ideal candidates for lip injections are individuals who are in good overall health, have realistic expectations, and desire subtle or significant enhancements to their lips. Whether you wish to restore lost volume, improve lip symmetry, or redefine your lip borders, scheduling a consultation with a qualified injector is the first step toward achieving your aesthetic goals.


During your consultation, your injector will assess your candidacy, discuss your concerns and objectives, and formulate a personalized treatment approach tailored to your specific needs.


Final Thoughts


In summary, lip injections offer a safe, effective, and customizable solution for enhancing the appearance of your lips and rejuvenating your overall facial aesthetics. We aim to empower you with the knowledge and confidence needed to embark on your lip augmentation journey with clarity and assurance by addressing these frequently asked questions. Remember, the key to achieving optimal results lies in selecting a skilled and experienced injector who prioritizes your safety, satisfaction, and well-being above all else. So, take the first step towards your dream lips confidently and let your beauty shine starting today!


At Juvea Aesthetics, we are redefining your natural beauty. At our medispa in Calgary, we are focused and committed to highlighting your best features without compromising the integrity of your unique beauty. We believe in enhancing your natural look with premium medical aesthetics in Calgary, including Botox, dermal fillers, lip injections and belkyra. We also offer vitamin drips and therapy, mesotherapy and skincare consultations.

Doing research on injectionists and medi spa in Calgary


Medi spa treatments, including Botox, dermal fillers, lip injections, mesotherapy, skin boosters, and vitamin therapy, can redefine natural beauty and help you look good and youthful at any age. People choose the treatments due to benefits such as halting the aging process, contouring the lips, volumizing and sculpting the cheeks and removing wrinkles and fine lines.


However, facial aesthetic therapies and treatment involve medications and injections. Therefore, it is essential to know more about the treatment procedures and research the available injectionists to find out the safety and efficacy of the processes.


Importance of doing research on injections


The different aesthetic treatments available today require injections. For instance, lip injections contain a natural substance called hyaluronic acid that can volumize and sculpt the lips. Mesotherapy is another treatment procedure involving the injection of vitamins, hyaluronic acid, and nutrients to eliminate acne and scars and soften and replenish the skin.


Treatment for improving facial aesthetics involves hyaluronic acid and neuromodulators with known safety profiles and favourable outcomes. However, in the absence of expertise, there is a risk of complications and adverse events. You can reduce the risk and ensure that you safely undergo the procedure by researching more on a Medi spa in Calgary and the injectionist.



Preventing risks


You must choose your Medi spa in Calgary carefully as a deficit in expertise in the treatment can result in complications that may have low to moderate complications. For instance, reactions and side effects after getting a cosmetic procedure include erythema, edema, paresthesia, hematoma, and bruising; all can occur if proper caution is not practiced. While severe complications occur rarely, they can still happen if you go to an unqualified medi spa, where you can suffer from a stroke, intravascular blindness, tissue necrosis, and vascular occlusion, among others. 


An expert therapy center will have a thorough knowledge of human anatomy, and the staff will be well trained in administering the injections and following the proper techniques. An expert medi spa and the aesthetic therapy provider will also carry out detailed counselling and preparation before the procedure.

Researching Injectionists

Certifications and expertise


The doctors that may participate in facial aesthetic injection-based treatments must be registered with the respective medical council of the state and federal boards and should be a member of the regulatory boards. These medi spa clinics and their processes are also duly certified and inspected to provide quality and safe aesthetic treatment. Only skilled and qualified practitioners can provide risk-free aesthetic treatments. The research will help you find out which medi spa centers and clinics are the most suitable for the treatment.


Pain management


Pain management is an important aspect of facial aesthetic treatments and practice. Different patients and individuals will have different and varying sensitivity to pain. Their expectations and attitude toward the treatment and pain may also differ. Some patients will be more anxious about pain expectations (or actual pain) when compared to others. A leading and expert injectionist will be aware of the techniques to provide better pain management. For instance, the slow injection method and technique (having a gentle, slow, and gentle rate of extrusion) minimizes the pain onset. Clinicians and aesthetic therapy providers may also use cooling tools such as ice before administering the BoNTA injection (the Botulinum Toxin A injection to reduce acne). The therapy is effective for minimizing and reducing pain.




Understanding the specific anatomy of the patient is important for patient safety. It would help if you chose your injectionist and Medi spa in Calgary after careful research so that your center can deliver you facial aesthetic treatments risk-free after proper counselling and careful selection.



CTA: At Juvea Aesthetics, we are redefining your natural beauty. At our medispa in Calgary, we are focused and committed to highlighting your best features without compromising the integrity of your unique beauty. We believe in enhancing your natural look with premium medical aesthetics in Calgary, including Botox, dermal fillers, lip injections and belkyra. We also offer vitamin drips and therapy, mesotherapy and skincare consultations.


You’ve gone ahead and got lip injections. 


You’re hoping for plump, luscious lips, but instead, you’re noticing that results aren’t turning quite as you expected. 


Could something be wrong? 


Even though dermal fillers are used for lip injections (and with the main ingredient being hyaluronic acid – a natural substance found in the body, thereby reducing chances of allergic reactions), sometimes, poor injection techniques, incorrect product choice, or mismanaged aftercare can end in poor results. 


Therefore, it’s important to know the why and how, so you can take immediate action when it happens. 


Signs Your Lip Fillers Have “Gone Wrong” 


You should always remember that post-injection, you might experience some bruising, swelling and itchiness around the treatment area. That’s just part of the process that comes with injectables. 


The most important thing is to keep an eye on the signs where something is not quite right. Here are some that you should look out for – and how you can treat them! 


Uneven Lips: Do you have “duck lips”? Or is one side of your lips thicker than the other? Chances are you could be experiencing uneven lips, also known as “asymmetrical fullness”. This occurs when an uneven amount of filler is injected into the lips. 


To combat this problem, you’ll have to get more injections to balance out the uneven lips. 


Lumps & Bumps: Another side effect of poorly placed and uneven lip injections. Lips that are bumpy and lumpy, and that do not subside within 72 hours, might indicate a problem. 


Treating this condition requires a firm massage to even out the bumps (best let an expert do this) or utilizing hyaluronidase, an acid that breaks down the dermal fillers. 


An Infection: If you notice excessive redness, bleeding or pus, chances are you could have an infection. Even though they are rare (remember that lip injections include hyaluronic acid – a natural substance found in the body, thereby reducing the chances of allergic reactions), they can still happen. 


Your best bet is to visit your local physician and get antibiotics to stop the infection from getting worse and spreading. 




Overstretching of Lip Tissue: Regular users of lip fillers might experience a slight “dip” or “sag” in their lips if they constantly inflate their lips. The tissue of the lips might start to stretch over time.


To ensure this doesn’t happen, consult our experts and get a safe routine process in place before and after your lip injections. 


Necrosis: The worst of the worse. Poor injection techniques can result in the fillers blocking the blood vessel causing your lips to discolour, develop white spots, become cold to touch and blister. You’ll also experience severe pain that doesn’t subside and is outside the regular recovery period pain.


If you believe you have necrosis, call our medi spa in Calgary or Edmonton or your doctor immediately to get treatment. 


What Happens If My Lip Injections Go Wrong? 


If you believe your lip injections have gone south – take immediate action! Book an appointment at our medi spa, so we can help you reverse the effects. 


We also have a detailed guide on how we can repair any botched lips: “How To Fix Botched Lip Fillers”. Read it for more information.


At Juvea Aesthetics, we are redefining your natural beauty. At our medi spas in Calgary and Edmonton, we are focused and committed to highlighting your best features without compromising the integrity of your unique beauty. We believe in enhancing your natural look with premium medical aesthetics in Calgary, including Botox, dermal fillers, lip injections and belkyra. We also offer vitamin drips and therapy, mesotherapy and skincare consultations. Schedule your appointment at our Calgary medi spa by calling 403-975-7523.

Every single person has a natural beauty that’s unique to them. When doing lip injections in Calgary, it’s important to know that lip injections aren’t supposed to take a cookie-cutter set of lips that society deems to be “normal” and put them on everyone’s face. 


Today’s post details how lip fillers can enhance your natural beauty.


Natural Looking Lip Injections in Calgary



To get lip fillers that naturally fit your facial structure, it’s important to undergo a consultation before choosing any treatment method. A productive consultation requires full transparency and honestly from both the patient and treatment provider. Together, you will evaluate your lip structure and how it balances with your facial features to find the perfect solutions. Based on your desires and the consultation results, treatment options to get natural-looking full lips can be discussed.


Personalized Lip Fillers

Every set of lips are unique, and that’s the way it should be. If lip injections aim to enhance an individual’s natural beauty, then each lip injection treatment needs to be personalized. The best personalized lip injections revolve around three main considerations:

  • Personal Desires
  • Your Unique Bone Structure
  • Ethnicity


Only by considering your unique, natural facial features and personal preferences can lip injections in Calgary be truly personalized.


Beauty couple


Volumizing & Enhancing Natural Beauty

The reason lip fillers can enhance your natural beauty is because of the active ingredient used for injections. Lip injections use a substance called Hyaluronic acid, a non-toxic ingredient ideal for enhancing and defining lips without changing them. That means you can use lip fillers to make your lips plumper while maintaining perfect symmetry and your natural beauty.


What Type of Lip Injections Are Used?


Depending on the needs of each client, we might use any of several lip injections. The most important factor that determines which lip injection is used is your facial structure. That includes skin, fat, tissues, and bone. Types of lip injections used are:

  • Prollenium’s Revanesse™
  • Clarion’s Teoxane™
  • Galderma’s Restylane™


No matter your facial structure, Juvea Aesthetics can help enhance your natural beauty with lip injections in Calgary.


At Juvea Aesthetics, we are redefining your natural beauty. At our medi spas in Calgary and Edmonton, we are focused and committed to highlighting your best features without compromising the integrity of your unique beauty. We believe in enhancing your natural look with premium medical aesthetics in Calgary, including Botox, dermal fillers, lip injections and belkyra. We also offer vitamin drips and therapy, mesotherapy and skincare consultations. Schedule your appointment at our Calgary medi spa by calling 403-975-7523.

Lip fillers can add definition, volume and balance to your lips while enhancing the equilibrium of your facial features and symmetry. 


As lip injections are made with hyaluronic acid – a natural substance found in the body, the same main ingredient as dermal fillers – these injectables enhance your natural features while ensuring you have no adverse reactions to the treatment. Results can last several months, depending on the number of injections required. 


However, sometimes the results do not come out as expected. There have been numerous situations where lip fillers may result in less-than-ideal outcomes. 


Why does it happen? What are the signs it’s gone wrong? And, most importantly, how do you fix botched lip fillers? Juvea Aesthetics has the key details for you in this all-important article. 


Why Do Lip Injections Go Wrong? 


There are many reasons why lip injections can go wrong. 


Most commonly, it is due to incorrect injection technique, inappropriate product selection, applying too much filler, and poor aftercare. 


Perhaps the ultimate red flag is when patients have had fake hyaluronic acid fillers or fillers not recognized and approved by Health Canada, administered to them. This can result in botched results and potentially harmful health issues. If you suspect red flags with the service or injector, such as overselling expectations or not being ethical in practice, you should avoid them. 


Ultimately, these situations usually occur when receiving treatment from an unqualified and non-certified “professional” that has not received the required medical training to administer lip injections safely. That’s why it is imperative that if you wish to get lip injections, you do so from a trusted expert who has medical experience and training to deliver such services – like Juvea Aesthetics


(See some of our beautiful work with our “Before & After” gallery) 


The Signs of Terrible Lip Injections 


While there are side effects from the treatment, such as redness and bruising, there are very distinct signs that the treatment has gone wrong. Here are some of the signs that you should be on the lookout for: 


Bumpy Lips: If small hard lumps and bumps do not subside within a few days, there is a chance that there might be an issue. Bumps and lumps occur when due to overfilling or injecting in uneven areas. It could also occur due to product selection. 


Unevenness: Do you notice that your lips are uneven, unbalanced and not consistent? This is known as “asymmetrical fullness” and occurs when the lip filler is injected poorly in the treatment areas. 


Dermatillomania skin picking. Woman has bad habit to pick her lips. Harmful addiction based on anxiety stress and dry lips. Excoriation disorder. Sick cracked damaged tissue.


Overfilled Lips: Commonly known as duck lips, this occurs when there is excess filler across the lips, resulting in them protruding – like a duck’s beak. In many situations, overfilled lips can become stiff, making them difficult to amend. 


Necrosis: Essentially known as ‘tissue death’, this is a serious complication that requires medical treatment. This occurs when the blood vessels are blocked either directly or indirectly blocked by the filler. Signs of this include: 


  • Severe pain
  • Blanching of the skin and white spots
  • Mottled skin
  • Blue, black or purple discolouration
  • Blisters and skin shedding
  • Coolness (as there is no blood in the lips) 


Necrosis is extremely rare but can happen if incorrect products are used or are poorly administered by an untrained professional. Seek immediate medical advice or contact our medi spas in Calgary or Edmonton for assistance. 


How To Fix Botched Lip Fillers 


So, how do you repair botched lip injections? Well, there are a few steps to take, but in the hands of a certified and trusted injector (have we mentioned how great we are?), it shouldn’t be a concern.


The main aim of this process is to dissolve the current filler before conducting a refill treatment. While some patients might desire to have more filler to help repair their botched results, it tends to end up with more problems in the future.  


Here is how we approach your botched lips: 


  1. We will have a consultation to assess your facial structure and symmetry and align it with your personal goals. This way, we ensure that we can deliver perfect results for you.  
  2. We dissolve the filler in your lips by using hyaluronidase, which is a soluble protein enzyme. This enzyme destroys the bonds holding the hyaluronic acid in the lips. The effect of hyaluronidase begins right away but will take two full weeks for results (hence step 2 below). We have our own personal protocol for administering hyaluronidase, which has proven to be very effective.  
  3. We now have to wait a full two weeks to ensure that the hyaluronidase has effectively eliminated all the filler. 
  4. Finally, we administer a refill of filler. It’s here that injection technique is crucial to ensure you get your desired results. Before you know it, you’ll have the lips you’ve always wanted. 


If you suspect any problems with your lip injections, you should speak to our injectors immediately. We can ensure you get beautiful lips with our service and care. 


At Juvea Aesthetics, we are redefining your natural beauty. At our medi spas in Calgary and Edmonton, we are focused and committed to highlighting your best features without compromising the integrity of your unique beauty. We believe in enhancing your natural look with premium medical aesthetics in Calgary, including Botox, dermal fillers, lip injections and belkyra. We also offer vitamin drips and therapy, mesotherapy and skincare consultations. Schedule your appointment at our Calgary medi spa by calling 403-975-7523 or emailing [email protected].