When it comes to the variety of treatment options within the skincare and beauty industry, new and innovative services are continually emerging, promising to rejuvenate and restore our skin’s youthful glow. Among these aesthetic advancements, one particular option stands out – mesotherapy, a technique that has gained significant popularity for its remarkable ability to target skin concerns with precision and efficiency. More than just a passing trend, this scientifically backed restorative option offers real, tangible results. Join us as we delve deeper into this transformative treatment, uncovering its mechanisms and its numerous benefits for skin rejuvenation!


Understanding Mesotherapy


Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves injecting a customized cocktail of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other active ingredients directly into the mesoderm, the middle layer of the skin. This targeted approach delivers potent nutrients and compounds to the areas where they are needed most, bypassing the digestive system to achieve optimal absorption.


How Mesotherapy Works


The success of mesotherapy in Calgary lies in the treatment’s multifaceted approach to achieving rejuvenated benefits. By delivering a potent blend of ingredients directly into the skin, mesotherapy addresses a wide range of concerns, including:


  1. Hydration: Mesotherapy infuses the skin with moisture-binding hyaluronic acid, replenishing any lost hydration and restoring overall suppleness.
  2. Collagen Production: The combination of vitamins and amino acids stimulates collagen and elastin production, promoting firmer, younger-looking skin.
  3. Brightening: Ingredients utilized in mesotherapy, such as vitamin C and kojic acid, help fade dark spots, even out overall skin tone, and impart a radiant glow across your skin texture.
  4. Firming and Tightening: Mesotherapy can target areas of laxity, such as the jawline and neck, by promoting tissue regeneration and tightening the skin.
  5. Cellulite Reduction: By breaking down fat cells and improving circulation, mesotherapy can help reduce the appearance of cellulite, leading to smoother skin texture.


The Benefits of Mesotherapy for Skin Rejuvenation


Mesotherapy offers a myriad of benefits that make it a popular choice for individuals seeking non-surgical skin rejuvenation:

  1. Customized Treatment: Each mesotherapy session is tailored to individual needs and skincare concerns, ensuring personalized results that yield successful, tangible outcomes.
  2. Minimal Downtime: Unlike more invasive procedures, mesotherapy requires little to no downtime, allowing patients to resume their daily activities immediately.
  3. Versatility: Mesotherapy can be used to treat a wide range of skin concerns, from fine lines and wrinkles to acne scars and uneven texture.
  4. Natural-Looking Results: Mesotherapy enhances the skin’s natural processes, resulting in subtle but noticeable improvements in skin texture and appearance.
  5. Long-Lasting Effects: With regularly scheduled sessions, mesotherapy treatments can produce long-lasting results, helping to maintain healthy, youthful-looking skin over time.




Mesotherapy is more than just a skincare trend; it’s a scientifically proven treatment that offers tangible benefits for skin rejuvenation. By harnessing the power of targeted nutrient delivery, this treatment option can address a wide range of aesthetic concerns, from hydration and collagen production to brightening and firming of the skin. As the popularity of this treatment option continues to grow, clients can look forward to enjoying the transformative effects of this innovative skincare solution! If you’re ready to experience the science behind mesotherapy firsthand, consider scheduling a consultation with a trusted provider to discover how this revolutionary treatment can help you achieve your skincare goals today!



At Juvea Aesthetics, we are redefining your natural beauty. At our medispa in Calgary, we are focused and committed to highlighting your best features without compromising the integrity of your unique beauty. We believe in enhancing your natural look with premium medical aesthetics in Calgary, including Botox, dermal fillers, lip injections and belkyra. We also offer vitamin drips and therapy, mesotherapy and skincare consultations.

In the realm of modern aesthetics, lip injections have emerged as a sought-after procedure for individuals looking to enhance the fullness, shape, and symmetry of their lips. However, with this surge in popularity comes a myriad of questions and inquiries surrounding the process. To provide you with a comprehensive understanding, let’s delve deeper into the top 10 frequently asked questions about lip injections, unravelling the mysteries and misconceptions surrounding this transformative procedure.


1. What Exactly Are Lip Injections, and How Do They Work?


Lip injections also referred to as lip augmentation or lip fillers, involve the precise injection of dermal fillers into the lips to augment their volume and shape. These fillers typically consist of hyaluronic acid with cross linkage technology, a naturally occurring substance in the body that attracts and retains moisture, thereby plumping and hydrating the lips.


Through a meticulous process, the injector strategically injects the filler to achieve the desired fullness and contour, resulting in a natural yet enhanced appearance.


2. Are Lip Injections Safe, and What Precautions Should I Take?


Safety is paramount in any cosmetic procedure, and lip injections are no exception. When performed by a skilled and experienced injector in a reputable facility, lip injections are considered safe and minimally invasive. However, it’s essential to conduct thorough research, choose a qualified provider, and disclose any medical conditions or allergies beforehand.


Before the procedure, your injector will conduct a comprehensive consultation to assess your candidacy, discuss your aesthetic goals, and address any concerns or questions you may have.


3. What Is the Duration of Lip Injections, and How Long Do Results Last?


The longevity of lip injections varies from person to person and depends on several factors, including the type of filler used, metabolism, and lifestyle factors. Generally, lip filler results can last anywhere from six months to a year before gradually dissipating.


Your injector may recommend follow-up appointments for touch-ups or additional injections to maintain optimal results. Consistent maintenance can help preserve the volume and definition of your lips over time.


4. What Can I Expect During the Recovery Process?


One of the advantages of lip injections is the minimal downtime associated with the procedure. While some swelling, bruising, and tenderness at the injection sites are common in the days following treatment, these side effects typically subside quickly.


To expedite the healing process and minimize discomfort, your service provider may recommend applying ice packs, avoiding strenuous activities, and refraining from smoking or consuming alcohol.


5. Will Lip Injections Result in a Natural-Looking Outcome?


The primary objective of lip injections is to enhance your natural beauty and achieve harmonious facial proportions rather than a drastic or artificial appearance. A skilled injector will consider your facial anatomy, lip structure, and personal preferences to create results that seamlessly integrate with your features.

By customizing the treatment to your unique needs and desires, you can expect natural-looking and balanced outcomes that enhance your overall facial aesthetics.

6. Can Lip Injections Be Customized to Suit My Preferences?


Absolutely! Lip injections offer a versatile solution that can be tailored to accommodate a wide range of aesthetic goals and preferences. Whether you desire subtle enhancement, increased volume, or more defined contours, your injector will work closely with you to design a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your vision.


During your consultation, be sure to communicate openly with your injector about your desired lip shape, size, and overall aesthetic goals to ensure the best possible outcome.


7. What Is the Level of Discomfort Associated with Lip Injections?


While pain tolerance varies among individuals, many patients report only minimal discomfort or a brief stinging sensation during the injection process. Most modern fillers contain a local anesthetic, such as lidocaine, which helps to numb the treatment area and minimize discomfort. Additionally, topical numbing creams or ice packs may be applied before the procedure to alleviate discomfort further.


8. What Are the Potential Side Effects and Risks of Lip Injections?


Like any cosmetic procedure, lip injections carry a risk of potential side effects, although they are generally mild and temporary. Common side effects may include swelling, bruising, redness, and tenderness at the injection sites, which typically resolve within a few days.


More serious complications, such as infection, allergic reactions, or vascular occlusion, are rare but possible and should be promptly addressed by your injector.


9. Can Lip Injections Be Combined with Other Cosmetic Treatments?


Yes, lip injections in Calgary can be seamlessly integrated with various other cosmetic procedures to enhance overall facial harmony and aesthetic balance. Popular combination treatments may include:


  • Botox for wrinkle reduction.
  • Dermal fillers for cheek augmentation.
  • Skin resurfacing treatments for comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

Your injector will work collaboratively with you to develop a customized treatment plan that addresses your unique concerns and goals, ensuring harmonious and natural-looking results.


10. Am I an Ideal Candidate for Lip Injections, and How Can I Get Started?


Ideal candidates for lip injections are individuals who are in good overall health, have realistic expectations, and desire subtle or significant enhancements to their lips. Whether you wish to restore lost volume, improve lip symmetry, or redefine your lip borders, scheduling a consultation with a qualified injector is the first step toward achieving your aesthetic goals.


During your consultation, your injector will assess your candidacy, discuss your concerns and objectives, and formulate a personalized treatment approach tailored to your specific needs.


Final Thoughts


In summary, lip injections offer a safe, effective, and customizable solution for enhancing the appearance of your lips and rejuvenating your overall facial aesthetics. We aim to empower you with the knowledge and confidence needed to embark on your lip augmentation journey with clarity and assurance by addressing these frequently asked questions. Remember, the key to achieving optimal results lies in selecting a skilled and experienced injector who prioritizes your safety, satisfaction, and well-being above all else. So, take the first step towards your dream lips confidently and let your beauty shine starting today!


At Juvea Aesthetics, we are redefining your natural beauty. At our medispa in Calgary, we are focused and committed to highlighting your best features without compromising the integrity of your unique beauty. We believe in enhancing your natural look with premium medical aesthetics in Calgary, including Botox, dermal fillers, lip injections and belkyra. We also offer vitamin drips and therapy, mesotherapy and skincare consultations.

skin rejuvenation calgary

At Juvea Aesthetics, we offer several effective anti-aging therapies to our clients. As one of the top clinics for Botox in Calgary, we feel it important to share our knowledge on this subject. Transparency in what we do is high on our list of priorities. 

We’re excited to share how combining dermal fillers and Botox, two of the most popular and effective treatments, can work wonders in reversing signs of aging.


Understanding the Power of Dermal Fillers and Botox

Aging gracefully is a goal for many, and at Juvea Aesthetics, we understand the unique skincare needs of our Calgary clients. Dermal fillers and Botox are at the forefront of age-reversal techniques. 

Dermal fillers are gel-like substances injected beneath the skin. They’re fantastic for restoring lost volume, smoothing out lines, and enhancing facial contours. On the other hand, Botox, a name you’ve likely heard a lot about in Calgary, temporarily relaxes facial muscles, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and preventing new ones from forming.


Why Combine These Treatments?

Why settle for one treatment when you can benefit from both? Combining dermal fillers with Botox in Calgary offers a comprehensive approach to anti-aging. 

Fillers address volume loss and deep wrinkles, while Botox smoothens fine lines, especially those around the eyes and forehead. This combination allows for a more balanced and natural-looking rejuvenation.


Tailored Treatments for You

At Juvea Aesthetics, we believe in a personalized approach. No two faces are the same, and neither should be their treatments. Our expert team, skilled in aesthetics, will work with you to create a customized plan. 

We consider your unique facial structure, skin type, and aesthetic goals. This way, we ensure results that look natural and enhance your inherent beauty.


Safety and Comfort: Our Top Priorities

Your safety and comfort are paramount. Our team is highly trained in administering Botox and dermal fillers, ensuring a safe, comfortable, and effective experience. We use only the highest quality products, all Health Canada approved, guaranteeing you are in good hands at our Calgary medi spa.


The Juvea Aesthetics Difference

Choosing Juvea Aesthetics means selecting a partner in your skincare journey. We pride ourselves on providing exceptional care and delivering results that exceed expectations. 

Our clients in Calgary trust us for our expertise, personalized care, and our warm, welcoming environment.


Your Path to Youthful Radiance with Botox in Calgary

Embrace the confidence that comes with youthful, radiant skin. Combining dermal fillers with Botox is more than just a treatment; it’s an investment in yourself. Whether you’re looking to reverse the signs of aging or maintain your youthful appearance, Juvea Aesthetics in Calgary guides you every step of the way. 

Schedule a consultation with us today, and let’s embark on this journey to a rejuvenated, confident you.


At Juvea Aesthetics, we are redefining your natural beauty. At our medispa in Calgary, we are focused and committed to highlighting your best features without compromising the integrity of your unique beauty. We believe in enhancing your natural look with premium medical aesthetics in Calgary, including Botox, dermal fillers, lip injections and belkyra. We also offer vitamin drips and therapy, mesotherapy and skincare consultations.

Today, we’re diving into the world of hyaluronic acid fillers, a popular choice among our clients seeking cosmetic enhancements. Our dermal fillers in Calgary are a cornerstone of modern cosmetic procedures, offering a safe and effective way to rejuvenate your appearance.


Understanding Hyaluronic Acid Fillers


At the heart of these treatments is hyaluronic acid, a natural substance in our bodies. It’s known for its incredible ability to retain moisture, which helps keep your skin plump and hydrated. 


As we age, our natural hyaluronic acid levels decrease, leading to a loss of volume and the formation of wrinkles. This is where hyaluronic acid fillers come in. By replenishing this vital substance, these fillers help restore your skin’s youthful fullness.


Why Choose Dermal Fillers in Calgary?


Choosing dermal fillers in Calgary, especially at Juvea Aesthetics, means opting for a personalized approach to beauty. Our experienced professionals understand that each face is unique.


We work closely with you to identify areas that can benefit from a little enhancement, whether it is for: 


  • Smoothing out wrinkles
  • Plumping up lips
  • or defining your cheekbones


The results? A refreshed, natural-looking you.


The Procedure: Quick and Convenient


One of the best things about hyaluronic acid fillers is the simplicity of the procedure. Typically, it takes just 30 minutes to an hour, and you can return to your daily activities immediately after. There’s minimal discomfort involved, thanks to the fine needles we use and the application of a numbing cream beforehand. Plus, the effects are visible almost instantly!


Safety and Side Effects


Your safety is our top priority. Hyaluronic acid fillers are FDA-approved and have an excellent safety profile. Side effects are generally mild and short-lived, such as slight swelling or redness at the injection site. 


During your consultation, we’ll discuss your medical history and any allergies to ensure this treatment fits you.


Long-Lasting, But Not Permanent


Another advantage of these fillers is their temporary nature. Depending on the individual and the treated area, the effects typically last between six to twelve months. This temporary aspect allows for adjustments as your face changes, ensuring a consistently natural look.


Your Path to Natural Beauty in Calgary Starts at Juvea Aesthetics


At Juvea Aesthetics in Calgary, we’re committed to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals with the highest standards of care. Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are a fantastic option for those looking to rejuvenate their appearance subtly and naturally. They offer a blend of safety, convenience, and effectiveness that our clients love.


Ready to explore how dermal fillers can enhance your natural beauty? Contact us today to schedule a consultation. Let’s embark on this journey together, embracing a refreshed, confident you.


At Juvea Aesthetics, we are redefining your natural beauty. At our medispa in Calgary, we are focused and committed to highlighting your best features without compromising the integrity of your unique beauty. We believe in enhancing your natural look with premium medical aesthetics in Calgary, including Botox, dermal fillers, lip injections and belkyra. We also offer vitamin drips and therapy, mesotherapy and skincare consultations.

dermal fillers calgary


This is Juvea Aesthetics, your trusted partner in Calgary for advanced skincare and beauty solutions. Today, we’re excited to share insights about one of our most popular treatments: dermal fillers. Understanding dermal fillers’ longevity and results’ duration and maintenance is essential for anyone considering this transformative procedure.


What are Dermal Fillers?


Our dermal fillers in Calgary are a non-surgical solution to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, add volume to the face, and enhance facial contours. These fillers are made from substances compatible with your body, ensuring a natural look and feel. 


Juvea Aesthetics in Calgary uses the highest quality dermal fillers tailored to meet your unique needs and aesthetic goals.


Longevity of Dermal Fillers


The duration of dermal fillers varies depending on the type of filler used, the area treated, and your body’s response to the treatment. Generally, dermal fillers last between six months to two years. For instance, fillers used for lip enhancement may last around six months, while those used for cheek augmentation could last up to two years. 


Our expert team at Juvea Aesthetics will guide you in choosing the right filler to achieve your desired outcome.


Factors Affecting Dermal Filler Longevity


Several factors can influence how long your dermal fillers will last:


  • Type of Filler: Different fillers have varying lifespans. Hyaluronic acid fillers, for example, are popular for their natural appearance and typically last from six months to a year.
  • Treatment Area: Areas with less movement, like the cheeks, may retain fillers longer than areas with more movement, like the lips.
  • Your Metabolism: Everyone’s body breaks down fillers at a different rate. Your fillers might break down faster if you have a faster metabolism.
  • Lifestyle Factors: Sun exposure, smoking, and overall health can impact the longevity of your dermal fillers.


Maintaining Your Results


To maximize the lifespan of your dermal fillers, consider the following tips:


  • Follow Aftercare Instructions: Post-treatment care is crucial. We provide specific guidelines to help you maintain your results.
  • Regular Touch-Ups: Periodic maintenance sessions can prolong the effects of dermal fillers. We recommend scheduling follow-up appointments based on your treatment plan.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: Protecting your skin from the sun, staying hydrated, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can enhance the longevity of your fillers.


Find Calgary’s Best Dermal Fillers at Juvea Aesthetic


At Juvea Aesthetics in Calgary, we are committed to providing exceptional care and stunning results. Dermal fillers are an excellent way to rejuvenate your appearance with lasting effects. The longevity and maintenance of your dermal fillers depend on various factors, but with our expert guidance and diligent care, you can enjoy your beautiful, youthful look for longer. 


Contact us today to learn how dermal fillers can enhance your natural beauty and boost your confidence.


At Juvea Aesthetics, we are redefining your natural beauty. At our medispa in Calgary, we are focused and committed to highlighting your best features without compromising the integrity of your unique beauty. We believe in enhancing your natural look with premium medical aesthetics in Calgary, including Botox, dermal fillers, lip injections and belkyra. We also offer vitamin drips and therapy, mesotherapy and skincare consultations.

dermal fillers calgary


Facial symmetry is a key component of perceived beauty and confidence. At Juvea Aesthetics, we understand the importance of a balanced, harmonious appearance. Our expert team specializes in using fillers and injections like Botox in Calgary to enhance facial symmetry, helping you look and feel your best.


Introduction to Facial Symmetry and Aesthetic Treatments


Facial symmetry is often considered a hallmark of attractiveness. However, natural asymmetries are common. These can be due to various factors, including genetics, aging, and environmental influences. This is where our expertise comes into play. 


At Juvea Aesthetics, we offer a range of treatments, including Botox, to help correct these imbalances and provide a more symmetrical and youthful appearance.


The Role of Botox and Fillers in Enhancing Symmetry


Botox, a popular treatment in Calgary, is widely known for its ability to smooth wrinkles and fine lines. But beyond its anti-aging properties, Botox plays a crucial role in achieving facial symmetry. 


It works by relaxing specific muscles, which can help correct imbalances caused by muscular tension or overactivity. For instance, if one side of your forehead has deeper lines due to more muscle movement, Botox can help relax these muscles, leading to a more balanced look.


Fillers, however, add volume to areas that may have lost fullness due to aging or other factors. They are excellent for evening out asymmetries in the:



  • Cheeks
  • Lips
  • and jawline

By strategically placing fillers, we can enhance contours and create a more symmetrical facial structure.


Customized Treatment Plans for Optimal Results


At Juvea Aesthetics, we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Each face is unique, and so are our treatment plans. Our experienced practitioners will conduct a thorough assessment of your facial structure and discuss your aesthetic goals. Based on this, we create a personalized treatment plan that may include a combination of Botox and fillers. 


This tailored approach ensures results that are not only symmetrical but also natural-looking and complementary to your overall appearance.


Safe, Professional Care in a Comfortable Environment


Your safety and comfort are our top priorities. Our team is highly trained in administering Botox and fillers, ensuring that each treatment is performed with the utmost precision and care. 


We use only the highest quality products, ensuring that you receive safe and effective treatments. At our Calgary-based clinic, we maintain a welcoming and professional environment, making sure you feel at ease throughout your visit.


Trust Juvea Aesthetics for Your Aesthetic Needs in Calgary


Achieving facial symmetry is more than just cosmetic enhancement; it’s about feeling confident and balanced. At Juvea Aesthetics, we are dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals with personalized care and expertise. 


Whether you’re considering Botox, fillers, or a combination of treatments, our team in Calgary is here to guide you every step of the way. Trust us to help you look and feel your best with treatments that bring out the best in you.


At Juvea Aesthetics, we are redefining your natural beauty. At our medispa in Calgary, we are focused and committed to highlighting your best features without compromising the integrity of your unique beauty. We believe in enhancing your natural look with premium medical aesthetics in Calgary, including Botox, dermal fillers, lip injections and belkyra. We also offer vitamin drips and therapy, mesotherapy and skincare consultations.


When it comes to relaxation and rejuvenation, a spa and a medi spa in Calgary are two popular options that come to mind. Both offer a range of treatments aimed at improving your well-being and appearance, but they cater to different needs and goals. 


Understanding the differences between these two types of establishments is essential to ensure you get the experience and results you desire.


The Spa Experience


A traditional spa is a sanctuary of serenity dedicated to providing relaxation and stress relief. The primary focus of a spa is to help you unwind and pamper yourself. Here are some key characteristics of spas:


1. Relaxation-Centric: Spas are designed to create a tranquil atmosphere, often with soothing music, dim lighting, and a peaceful ambiance. They provide an escape from the daily grind, allowing you to disconnect from stress and responsibilities.


2. Treatments: Spas offer a wide range of treatments that promote relaxation and general well-being. These include massages, facials, body scrubs, and aromatherapy. The emphasis is on indulgence and self-care.


3. Therapists: Spa therapists are trained in techniques that prioritize relaxation and comfort. They excel at creating a calming environment and delivering massages and treatments that soothe the mind and body.


4. Products: Spas typically use high-quality skincare products and essential oils for their treatments. These products are chosen for their sensory appeal and ability to enhance relaxation.


5. Clientele: Spas cater to individuals seeking a break from their hectic lives. The treatments are often chosen based on personal preference and the desire to unwind.


The Medi Spa Experience


On the other hand, a medi spa, short for medical spa, offers a fusion of medical and spa services. While relaxation is still a part of the experience, the primary focus is on enhancing your appearance and addressing specific skincare concerns. Here’s what sets medi spas apart:


1. Medical Expertise: Medi spas are overseen by licensed medical professionals, such as dermatologists or plastic surgeons. This means they can offer medical-grade treatments and procedures that address specific skin issues and aesthetic concerns.


2. Treatments: In addition to traditional spa treatments, medi spas provide a range of medical and aesthetic services. These may include Botox injections, dermal fillers, laser hair removal, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion. The goal is to improve skin health, reduce signs of aging, and target specific problem areas.


3. Therapists: Medi spas employ trained therapists who are well-versed in spas and medical procedures. They work closely with medical professionals to ensure that treatments are safe and effective.


4. Products: Medi spas often use medical-grade skincare products that are clinically tested and formulated to address specific skin concerns, such as acne, pigmentation, or wrinkles.


5. Clientele: Medi spas attract clients who are looking for more than just relaxation. They seek solutions to specific skincare issues or wish to undergo non-surgical cosmetic procedures. The treatments are typically tailored to individual goals and needs.


Choosing the Right Experience


The choice between a spa and a medi spa in Calgary largely depends on your goals and preferences. Here are some factors to consider when making your decision:


1. Relaxation vs. Results: If your primary goal is relaxation and stress relief, a traditional spa is the ideal choice. On the other hand, if you have specific skin concerns or aesthetic goals, a medi spa can provide treatments that deliver visible results.


2. Licensed Professionals: If you’re considering medical procedures or treatments that involve injections or lasers, a medi spa’s oversight by licensed medical professionals provides an added layer of safety and expertise.


3. Budget: Medi spa treatments tend to be more expensive than traditional spa services due to the advanced equipment and medical-grade products used. Consider your budget when making your decision.


4. Consultation: If you’re unsure about which type of spa experience is right for you, consider scheduling a consultation at a medi spa. They can assess your needs and recommend suitable treatments.


Find the best Spa Treatment in Calgary for You


At Juvea Aesthetics, we are redefining your natural beauty. At our media spa in Calgary, we are focused and committed to highlighting your best features without compromising the integrity of your unique beauty.


We believe in enhancing your natural look with premium medical aesthetics in Calgary, including Botox, dermal fillers, lip injections and belkyra. We also offer vitamin drips and therapy, mesotherapy and skincare consultations. 


At Juvea Aesthetics, we are redefining your natural beauty. At our medispa in Calgary, we are focused and committed to highlighting your best features without compromising the integrity of your unique beauty. We believe in enhancing your natural look with premium medical aesthetics in Calgary, including Botox, dermal fillers, lip injections and belkyra. We also offer vitamin drips and therapy, mesotherapy and skincare consultations.

Lip Injections in Calgary Myths Debunked 

In recent years, the beauty and cosmetic industry has witnessed a surge in interest in lip injections. With celebrities flaunting their plump pouts and social media platforms flooded with before-and-after photos, it’s no wonder that lip augmentation procedures have become increasingly popular. However, along with the popularity, a plethora of myths and misconceptions have also cropped up. 

Let’s delve into the world of lip injections in Calgary and debunk some common myths while shedding light on the real facts.

Myth 1: Lip Injections Always Result in Overly Plump Lips

One of the most pervasive myths surrounding lip injections is the idea that they will inevitably lead to lips that are unrealistically plump. This myth likely stems from a few cases of individuals who have opted for extreme augmentation. In reality, the outcome of lip injections depends on several factors, including the patient’s preferences, the expertise of the practitioner, and the type of filler used. Skilled practitioners prioritize natural-looking results that enhance a person’s features rather than creating an exaggerated appearance. Modern aesthetic medicine emphasizes subtlety and individualized treatments.

Myth 2: Lip Injections Are Extremely Painful

It’s not uncommon for people to cringe at the thought of needles near their lips. However, the discomfort associated with lip injections is often exaggerated. Most practitioners use numbing agents or ice packs before the procedure to minimize any pain. Additionally, many dermal fillers contain lidocaine, a local anesthetic that further reduces discomfort during the injection. While some patients might experience mild discomfort or a temporary sensation of pressure, the overall procedure is usually well-tolerated.

Myth 3: Lip Injections Have Permanent Results

The idea that once you get lip injections, you’ll have plump lips for life is far from accurate. Most dermal fillers used for lip augmentation are temporary and eventually metabolized by the body. Depending on the filler used, the results can last anywhere from six months to a year. To maintain the desired look, patients typically need follow-up injections. This is why it’s crucial to have realistic expectations and be prepared for maintenance appointments if you opt for lip injections.

Myth 4: Lip Injections Always Look Unnatural

The fear of ending up with an unnatural appearance after lip injections is understandable, but advancements in aesthetic medicine have drastically improved the outcome of these procedures. The key to natural-looking results lies in choosing an experienced and skilled injector. A knowledgeable practitioner will consider your facial proportions, symmetry, and your desired outcome to create results that harmonize with your overall appearance. Modern fillers are also more versatile, allowing for precise control over the level of augmentation.

Myth 5: Lip Injections Are Only for Young People

Lip injections aren’t limited to any specific age group. While younger individuals might seek augmentation to enhance their lips, older individuals also benefit from the rejuvenating effects of lip injections. As we age, the natural volume in our lips tends to diminish, leading to a tired or aged appearance. Lip injections can restore lost volume and redefine lip borders, resulting in a more youthful and refreshed look.

Myth 6: Lip Injections Are Unsafe

Safety is a valid concern when it comes to any cosmetic procedure. However, lip injections, when performed by qualified and licensed practitioners, are generally safe. It’s crucial to research and choose a reputable clinic with experienced injectors who use FDA-approved products. Prior to the procedure, a thorough consultation should be conducted to assess your medical history and discuss any potential risks or contraindications.

Myth 7: Lip Injections are Only for Women

The perception that lip injections are exclusively for women is outdated. More and more men are opting for cosmetic procedures, including lip injections, to enhance their appearance and boost their confidence. Lip augmentation can be tailored to suit individual preferences and masculine aesthetics, creating natural-looking results that align with the patient’s identity.


In conclusion, while lip injections in Calgary have gained significant popularity, it’s essential to separate fact from fiction to make informed decisions about cosmetic procedures. Myths about overly plump results, extreme pain, permanent outcomes, unnatural appearances, age restrictions, safety concerns, and gender exclusivity can deter individuals from exploring lip augmentation. By debunking these myths and understanding the reality of lip injections, those interested in enhancing their lips can approach the procedure with confidence, armed with accurate information and realistic expectations. Always remember to consult with a qualified medical professional before undergoing any cosmetic procedure to ensure that you’re making the best choice for your unique needs and desires.

At Juvea Aesthetics, we are redefining your natural beauty. At our medispa in Calgary, we are focused and committed to highlighting your best features without compromising the integrity of your unique beauty. We believe in enhancing your natural look with premium medical aesthetics in Calgary, including Botox, dermal fillers, lip injections and belkyra. We also offer vitamin drips and therapy, mesotherapy and skincare consultations.


Bride Guide and Getting Ready For Your Big Day With Assistance From a Medi Spa in Calgary

Your wedding day is undoubtedly one of the most important and memorable events in your life. As a bride, you want to look and feel your best as you walk down the aisle, exuding confidence and joy as your family, friends, and partner look on. While there are numerous beauty preparations to consider, it’s essential to plan ahead and avoid leaving everything to the last minute, especially when it comes to cosmetic enhancements. 

Learn more about the comprehensive and accessible roadmap for brides seeking to enhance their appearance before the big day, emphasizing the importance of early planning and professional consultation at a local medi spa in Calgary near you.

  1. Get a Professional Consultation


One of the most critical elements of receiving cosmetic work in preparation for your wedding day is to consult a professional before booking an appointment. You should always avoid leaving all your cosmetic treatments to the last minute and go to a consultant as soon as possible to begin the planning stages of acquiring your cosmetic treatments and discuss all of your skin concerns with your specialist. For example, chemical peels and microneedling can help with makeup application on your big day, as well as remedying skincare problems such as acne and hyperpigmentation–but these skin care remedies should be administered well in advance of your wedding day. Preparing for your wedding day involves a range of activities, and cosmetic enhancements should be part of the early planning process. By giving yourself ample time, you can ensure a smoother journey toward achieving your desired results. 


  1. Follow Your ABCs


You should never compromise on the ingredients you use on your face before your big wedding day. Follow the three pillars of skincare that include rejuvenate, brighten and tighten  and be sure that you’re using medical-grade skincare products that will keep your face fresh and revived in the weeks before you are to walk down the aisle. More so, follow your ABCs, which include Vitamin A as your retinol, which promotes cellular turnover and can work as a slow-aging exfoliation. B refers to your sunblock, where SPF should be a main priority within your skincare routine. If you aren’t protecting your skin as often as possible with sunblock, it makes little sense to spend your money on Botox and fillers! Lastly, the final letter of the ABCs you should be aware of is vitamin C or L-ascorbic acid, at least 15% of it! By heeding these skincare tips, you can obtain an extra layer of skin protection and a new sense of skin clarity leading up to your wedding day. 


The Importance of a Juvea Treatment Road Map

Each bride is unique, with different aesthetic goals and concerns. That’s why it’s essential to consult with a professional to create a personalized treatment plan that can include dermaplaning and aqua infusion with Juvea’s custom facial, which is the ultimate skincare preparation before your wedding day that will prove to be ideal for makeup application. This particular facial should be completed at least a month or two weeks prior to any makeup application. Consider scheduling a consultation with an experienced aesthetic specialist, such as those at Juvea Medical Spa, who can assess your needs and develop a customized Juvea Treatment Road Map for you. If you have problematic skin such as acne or acne scarring, these treatment plans should commence 4-6 months prior to the big day with a multi-modality approach. These often include micro-needling with infusions and aerolase laser treatments or chemical peels. 



Treatment Times


For each treatment you seek out, there are optimal times to get them completed before your wedding day at any medi spa in Calgary, so you can be assured you look your best. 


Dermal Filler Injections: 4-6 Months Before the Festivities

If you’re considering dermal filler injections to enhance your facial features, it’s best to schedule these treatments 4-6 months before your wedding day. Dermal fillers are commonly used to plump lips, smooth fine lines, and restore facial volume. Allowing sufficient time between the treatment and the festivities ensures that any initial swelling or bruising subsides, leaving you with natural and beautiful results on your special day.

Botox or Dysport Injections: 6-8 Weeks Before the Festivities

To achieve a smoother and more relaxed appearance, many brides opt for Botox or Dysport injections to address fine lines and wrinkles. These treatments are most effective when performed 6-8 weeks before your wedding day. This timing allows the injectable to settle in and provides ample time for any adjustment, if necessary, ensuring a refreshed and youthful appearance on your big day.

Peels, Microneedling, and More: 2-3 Months Prior to the Event

If you’re looking to improve your skin’s health and address specific concerns, treatments such as chemical peels and microneedling can be beneficial. Ideally, schedule these procedures 2-3 months before your wedding day. These treatments promote collagen production, reduce the appearance of acne scars or hyperpigmentation, and enhance overall skin texture. Depending on your skin’s condition, your aesthetic specialist may recommend additional treatments like exosomes, dermaplaning, or a relaxing facial to further enhance your skin’s radiance.


At Juvea Aesthetics, we are redefining your natural beauty. At our medispa in Calgary, we are focused and committed to highlighting your best features without compromising the integrity of your unique beauty. We believe in enhancing your natural look with premium medical aesthetics in Calgary, including Botox, dermal fillers, lip injections and belkyra. We also offer vitamin drips and therapy, mesotherapy and skincare consultations.

Factors That Determine the Cost of Dermal Fillers in Calgary

Dermal fillers have gained popularity as a non-surgical cosmetic treatment for enhancing facial features and reducing the signs of aging. If you are considering dermal fillers in Calgary, it’s essential to understand the factors that determine their cost. While prices may vary depending on the provider and location, there are several key factors that influence the cost of dermal fillers. 

Learn more about the varying factors to help you better understand the pricing structure of dermal fillers before you acquire them.

Type and Quality of Dermal Fillers

One of the primary factors that influence the cost of dermal fillers is the education and experience of the injector and healthcare professional as well as the value of their aesthetic eye.  Secondly, the type and quality of the filler may vary the cost. There are various types of dermal fillers available, each with its own characteristics and purposes. Some common types include hyaluronic acid fillers, collagen-based fillers, and calcium hydroxylapatite fillers. The cost of dermal fillers will depend on the specific brand, formulation, and quality of the product chosen. Higher-quality fillers may be more expensive, as they often provide better results and have a longer duration of effect. However, the most important factor for the patient or client is the injector and their ability to be able to trust their expertise.

Expertise and Experience of the Provider

Providers who have extensive training and experience in cosmetic injectables may charge higher fees due to their specialized skills and expertise. It’s essential to choose a qualified and experienced provider to ensure safe and effective treatment outcomes. Your advanced injector and healthcare professional will be able to minimize risks associated with dermal fillers and will be able to treat and manage complications should these occur. While it may be tempting to seek lower-cost options, it is important to prioritize the qualifications and reputation of the provider to avoid potential risks or unsatisfactory results. Dermal filler corrections are much more costly than having them done the right way the first time.

Treatment Area and Volume of Fillers

The area to be treated and the amount of dermal filler required will impact the overall cost. Different facial areas require varying amounts of filler to achieve the desired results. For instance, treating fine lines and wrinkles around the lips or eyes may require less filler compared to volumizing the cheeks or augmenting the lips. The volume of dermal filler used will be a significant factor in determining the cost, as larger volumes typically come with a higher price tag. During your consultation, the provider will assess your specific needs and recommend the appropriate amount of filler required for optimal results.

Reputation of the Clinic

The reputation of the clinic where you receive dermal filler treatments can influence the cost. Prestigious clinics or those located in prime areas may have higher fees due to their reputation. Additionally, the level of service and amenities provided by the clinic may also factor into the pricing structure. You should always balance cost considerations with the quality of care and safety measures provided by the clinic to ensure a positive and satisfactory experience.

Additional Treatments and Package Deals

Clinics like Juvea Aesthetics may offer additional treatments or package deals that can affect the overall cost of dermal fillers. For instance, they may provide discounts or promotions for combined treatments such as Botox injections or skin rejuvenation procedures. It’s worth inquiring about any available packages or special offers to potentially save money on multiple treatments. At Juvea Aesthetics, our pricing is not a per syringe model or per session, our price will vary depending on the area being treated and the practitioner. 


Several factors contribute to the cost of dermal fillers in Calgary. The type and quality of dermal fillers used, the expertise and experience of the provider, the treatment area and volume of fillers required, the location and reputation of the clinic, and any additional treatments or package deals all play a role in determining the price. It’s always recommended that you consult with a reputable and qualified provider, discuss your goals and expectations, and obtain a personalized quote to have a clear understanding of the cost associated with dermal filler treatments. Remember, prioritizing safety, quality, and expertise should be the primary considerations when selecting a provider, as the outcomes and overall satisfaction are paramount.



At Juvea Aesthetics, we are redefining your natural beauty. At our medispa in Calgary, we are focused and committed to highlighting your best features without compromising the integrity of your unique beauty. We believe in enhancing your natural look with premium medical aesthetics in Calgary, including Botox, dermal fillers, lip injections and belkyra. We also offer vitamin drips and therapy, mesotherapy and skincare consultations.