To the untrained eye, cosmetic injections like botox injections and fillers seem like an extremely simple procedure. Just load up the needle and jab, right? Not necessarily! While injections might be more simple or routine for an injectionist who has been doing injections at a medi spa in Calgary for many years, a lot of learning goes into understanding the intricacies of the facial anatomy to ensure safe administration of botox and fillers.


Today’s post explores the main components of our facial anatomy and how it relates to botox and fillers.


The Three Elements of Facial Anatomy for Medi Spas in Calgary

The anatomy of the face is quite complex, as there is a very high concentration of muscles, blood vessels and nerves in the face. If botox is injected into the wrong area, there is a risk of minor or even severe side effects. That’s why it’s important for cosmetic injectionists who work at a medi spa to have a deep understanding of the facial anatomy for botox and fillers.


Although all cosmetic injectionists should have very good knowledge of facial anatomy, you only need to know the basics. Let’s explore the three main areas of the face for botox treatment.


The Glabella

The first major facial area important for botox is a group of muscles called the glabella, often referred to as the “frown line”. Every time you furrow your brow, you’re contracting the glabella, which is what causes vertical lines in your brow. Naturally, botox can help get rid of these lines, but only if injected in the exact right spot. Treatment in this area requires five precise injection points.


The Orbicularis Oculi

One of the most common reasons people want cosmetics injections is to get rid of “crow’s feet” or “smile lines” around the eye. These lines are caused by the contraction of the orbicularis oculi muscle (the muscle around your eye) every time you smile. That’s why they’re sometimes called “smile lines”. These are treated with three injection points that are located laterally around the edge of the eye.


The Frontalis

The third major section of the facial anatomy that affects cosmetic injections at medi spas in Calgary is the forehead. The forehead is made up of the frontalis muscle, which is the muscle that lifts your eyebrows. Using the frontalis is what causes the formation of lines across your forehead. Injections for this area of the face typically require five strategically placed injection sites across the forehead.


Why Medi Spas in Calgary Need To Know

As mentioned above, medi spas in Calgary need to understand the facial anatomy to provide botox treatment safely. If they use the wrong formula in the wrong place, side effects can happen. Possible side effects include:

  • Pain, swelling or bruising at the injection site
  • Headache or flu-like symptoms
  • Droopy eyelid or cockeyed eyebrows
  • Crooked smile or drooling
  • Eye dryness or excessive tearing


When you come into Juvea Aesthetics for botox injections, you can rest assured that we know exactly what we’re doing when it comes to facial anatomy.

At Juvea Aesthetics, we are redefining your natural beauty. At our medi spas in Calgary and Edmonton, we are focused and committed to highlighting your best features without compromising the integrity of your unique beauty. We believe in enhancing your natural look with premium medical aesthetics in Calgary, including Botox, dermal fillers, lip injections and belkyra. We also offer vitamin drips and therapy, mesotherapy and skincare consultations. Schedule your appointment at our Calgary medi spa by calling 403-975-7523.